>The Blossoming Flower

The Blossoming Flower


Majd, a six-year-old child with special needs, was enrolled in the Safe Children’s Space (Basmet Amal Center) in the city of Afrin. He was born with poor health, diagnosed with cerebral hypoxia. Majd’s family couldn’t afford specialized educational centers due to their poor financial situation. However, they managed to register him in the Safe Children’s Space, hoping for his integration with his peers.

Majd began attending psychological support sessions at the center. One of his mother’s fears was that Majd wouldn’t accept attending the sessions without her presence, given his strong attachment to her. But after several sessions, Majd started to blend in with his peers, gaining many friends, and engaging more with his surroundings.

Basmet Amal centers, operated by the Bahar organization, aim to provide a safe and healthy environment for children to live, develop, play, and learn. Additionally, they encourage children to express themselves and protect their rights. Achieving these goals helps create a safer and better society for children.

As Majd continued his journey in the Safe Children’s Space, he flourished, overcoming the barriers his condition initially posed. With the support of his newfound friends and the nurturing environment provided by the center, Majd’s world expanded, filled with joy and opportunities for growth.

Despite the challenges Majd and his family faced, the story ends on a hopeful note. Majd’s journey in the Safe Children’s Space not only transformed his life but also showcased the power of compassion and community in creating a brighter future for children like him.