>Recovering The Hope

Recovering The Hope


In the heart of Syria, amidst the challenges of life, a resilient mother named Qamar faced an arduous journey with her daughter, who was born with a congenital heart condition known as Ebstein’s anomaly. Determined to provide the best care for her child, they ventured to Turkey, seeking medical treatment.

After a period of treatment abroad, they returned to Syria, hopeful for Qamar’s recovery. However, their optimism waned as her health gradually declined, eventually leading to severe acute malnutrition. Struggling in the face of economic  hardships, Qamar’s family learned about the Bahar Stabilization Center, a beacon of hope in their community.

Guided by the wisdom of concerned neighbors, Qamar’s mother sought the expertise of the center’s pediatrician. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Qamar was admitted for specialized treatment. Over the course of five days, the medical team at Bahar Stabilization Center displayed both kindness and effectiveness in their approach, aiding in Qamar’s recovery.

The challenges faced by the family were not just medical; economic and living conditions added to their struggles. The camp, their home, proved to be a harsh environment, particularly for the vulnerable, like children.

In a twist of fate, the Bahar organization once again emerged as a lifeline for Qamar and her family. Beyond medical care, they extended a helping hand through the cash support voucher program, easing the burden of household expenses and providing sustenance for the family.

Amidst the trials and tribulations, the story of Qamar and her mother stands as a testament to resilience, community support, and the transformative impact of organizations like Bahar in the lives of those facing adversity.